Lower Key Stage 2 (Classes 7, 8, and 9)
Within Key Stage 1 and 2 we work on a two year cycle in R.E so that all children have access to all of the topics.
We are currently on Cycle B (2022-23 Academic Year)
Within Key Stage 1 and 2 we work on a two year cycle in R.E so that all children have access to all of the topics.
We are currently on Cycle B (2022-23 Academic Year)
Lower Key Stage 2 (Classes 7, 8, and 9)
Autumn Term
Domestic Church – Family: Homes
In this topic, the children will begin to explore and understand the notion of God as a loving Father and that we are all part of a loving family, which Jesus became part of when he was born. The ideals of family life will be presented to the children, however, they will be taught to respect and acknowledge the real, everyday experiences of some children. The children will understand that the family (a gift from God), which is centred on the home, is the first place for growth and development and is of central importance.
Baptism / Confirmation – Belonging: Promises
Through the study of the promises made at Baptism and Confirmation, the children will engage with the idea that we are brought into a special union with Christ, when we are baptised. The children will understand that, by being baptised, they are moulded into one of God’s people and are guided by the Holy Spirit to live a fruitful life, where they can gain forgiveness of their sins through the sacrament of Confession.
Advent / Christmas – Loving: Visitors
At this precious time of year, the children will engage with the love they experience in their lives. Understanding that gifts given and received are a sign and expression of love, as well as reflecting the truth that all life is given by God, the children will explore the notion that God’s love became a reality in the person of Jesus Christ.
Spring Term
Local Church – Community: Journeys
The children will engage with how it feels to be part of a community, understanding that community is an essential and enjoyable part of life for people of every age and faith. The children will engage with the idea that participation in the Church’s celebrations (the sacraments of the Church) is a journey that takes a lifetime to complete. Indeed, these sacraments are a sign that God is with His people throughout their lives.
Eucharist – Relating: Listening and Sharing
The children will study the Eucharist as a gift given by God, through Jesus’ sacrifice. They will understand that, when we receive Christ’s Body in the form of the Eucharist, we become closely connected with Jesus both during his Passion and Resurrection and it becomes our duty, then, to listen to God’s voice and share what He has taught us.
Lent / Easter – Giving: Giving All
The children will engage with the significance of self-discipline in the light of Lent, realising that Lent is a season when Christians practise both giving, and giving things up. They will understand that this is a way of showing our love and care for Jesus, as He pursues His path towards his crucifixion. Importantly, the children will understand that, by giving all to others, they are giving all to God, and therefore acknowledging the unique God-given gifts each and every person possesses.
Summer Term
Pentecost – Serving: Energy
Following on closely from the events in Lent, the children will study the effects of the Holy Spirit; principally His capacity to influence the lives of every person in a unique and special way. The children will begin to understand that it is the work of the Holy Spirit that helps people to hear God’s message, and to act in ways that follow the example of service that Jesus gives us.
Reconciliation – Inter-relating: Choices
Building on the work of the previous two topics, the children will engage with the idea that the price of sin has been paid by Jesus, because he sacrificed Himself on the cross. Because of His great sacrifice, the children will study the power of forgiveness; acknowledging that we have the power to reach out and ask for forgiveness and peace and understand that we will be forgiven, thanks to God’s great mercy.
Universal Church – World: Special Places
Christians believe that every human being is created in the image and likeness of God and has the special gift and challenge of sharing in God’s creation. The children will explore themselves as part of creation and their dependence upon it: in caring for creation we are caring for ourselves. They will begin to develop an understanding of what it means to care for the world in which we live, the people within it, and the natural resources available to us by identifying the importance of ‘special places’.
Lower Key Stage 2 (Classes 7, 8, and 9)
Autumn Term
Domestic Church – Family: People
The children will begin to understand that God is the loving Father of the human family and that Jesus was born and lived in a human family. The children will understand the ideals for family life, whilst acknowledging and respecting the real experiences of other families. Importantly, the children will understand that the family (a gift from God) is the first place for growth and development and is of central importance.
Baptism / Confirmation – Belonging: Called
The children will begin to explore the invitation that they are given, through Baptism, to share the life and work of God. The children will begin to understand that the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation help them to be formed into God’s people and become filled by the Holy Spirit. When someone is given the gifts of the Holy Spirit, by partaking in these sacraments, they will understand that they are now called to build up the Church: the Body of Christ.
Advent / Christmas – Loving: Gift
At this precious time of year, the children will engage with the love they experience in their lives, developing an understanding that gifts given and received are a sign and expression of love, as well as reflecting the truth that all life is given by God. The children will explore the notion that God’s love became a reality in the Person of Jesus Christ.
Spring Term
Local Church – Community: Community
The children will engage with how it feels to be part of a community, understanding that community is an essential and enjoyable part of life for people of every age and faith. This will be connected with the Church’s celebrations, as these are communal events. This will be identified by exploring the habit of going to Sunday Mass, as this is time to remember how much there is to celebrate.
Eucharist – Relating: Giving and Receiving
The children will study the Eucharist as a gift given by God, through Jesus’ sacrifice. They will understand that, when we receive Christ’s Body in the form of the Eucharist, we become closely connected with Jesus both during his Passion and Resurrection. This will lead to a greater understanding of how Jesus gave himself so that we could receive everlasting life.
Lent / Easter – Giving: Self-discipline
The children will engage with the significance of self-discipline in the light of Lent, realising that Lent is a season when Christians practise both giving, and giving things up. They will understand that this is a way of showing our love and care for Jesus, as he pursues His path towards His crucifixion. In learning about this, the children will understand the significance of having self-discipline and how this encourages one to think more about the need to give whole-heartedly to others.
Summer Term
Pentecost – Serving: New Life
Following on closely from the events in Lent, the children will study the effects of the Holy Spirit; principally His capacity to influence the lives of every person in a unique and special way. The children will begin to understand that it is the work of the Holy Spirit that helps people to hear God’s message, and to act in ways that follow the example of service that Jesus gives us.
Reconciliation – Inter-relating: Building Bridges
Building on the work of the previous two topics, the children will engage with the idea that the price of sin has been paid by Jesus, because he sacrificed Himself on the cross. Because of His great sacrifice, the children will study the power of forgiveness; acknowledging that we have the power to reach out and ask for forgiveness and peace and understand that we will be forgiven, thanks to God’s great mercy.
Universal Church – World: God’s People
Christians believe that every human being is created in the image and likeness of God and has the special gift and challenge of sharing in God’s creation. The children will explore themselves as part of creation and their dependence upon it: in caring for creation we are caring for ourselves. They will begin to develop an understanding of what it means to care for the world in which we live, the people within it, and the natural resources available to us.