Key Stage 1 Topic Overviews

Key Stage 1: ‘Come and See’ Topic Overview

Key Stage 1 (Classes 4, 5, and 6) 

Within Key Stage 1 and 2 we work on a two year cycle in R.E so that all children have access to all of the topics.

We are currently on Cycle B (2024-25 Academic Year)

Key Stage 1: ‘Come and See’ Cycle A

Key Stage 1 (Classes 4, 5, and 6)

Advent Term

Domestic Church – Family: Families

The children will explore the love and care shown in their families. We discuss the different roles family members have. The children learn about different families they belong to. They learn about God’s love and care for every family. They learn about how Jesus grew up in a family who loved and cared for him just like us. Finally, the children will celebrate God’s love for them with a class liturgy.

Baptism/ Confirmation – Belonging: Belonging

The children will explore the different groups they belong to. We talk about babies and how we care for them. We learn the story of Jesus and the Children. We learn about what Baptism is and the symbols used within it. We learn that Baptism is an invitation to belong in God’s family. Finally, the children will celebrate their knowledge of baptism and feelings of being welcomed with a class liturgy.

Advent/ Christmas – Loving: Waiting

The children will explore about the times that is it necessary to wait and the use of that time. We learn all about Advent and discuss the use of the Advent wreath. We learn that Advent is a time of waiting to celebrate Jesus’ coming at Christmas. We read the story of Christingle (sharing our love) and make Christingles to take home. We learn about the different parts of the Christmas story e.g. Angel Gabriel, Shepherds, Wise men… Finally, the children will celebrate Christmas with a class liturgy.

Lent Term

Local Church – Community: Special People

The children will explore that there are special people in our lives who are there to help. We learn that on Sunday in church we meet people who do special jobs as we gather to celebrate the good news of Jesus. We read the story of Jesus being taken to the temple as a baby and his meetings with Simeon and Anna. We learn that Jesus is a very special person for the parish family. Finally, the children will celebrate Jesus, the light of the world with a class liturgy.

Eucharist – Relating: Meals

The children will explore families and groups and the special meals they share together. We discuss how mass is a representation of Jesus’ special meal that he shared with his disciples. We learn about the story of ‘The Last Supper’ and act it out. We discuss the ‘Our Father’ and what it means to us. Finally, the children will celebrate their learning about meals with a class liturgy.

Lent/ Easter – Giving: Change

The children will explore that we all change and grow. We talk about Lent which is a time to change in preparation for the celebration of Easter. We learn about how Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and that Lent is the time of preparation for Easter. We read the stories of Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Finally, the children will celebrate Easter through a class liturgy.

Pentecost Term

Pentecost – Serving: Holidays and Holidays

The children will explore how holidays are days to be happy. We learn about Pentecost; a holy day- the feast of the Holy Spirit. We recap what a holiday is and then what a holyday is. We know and understand what happened on Ascension day and Pentecost day. Finally, the children will celebrate how to spread the good news of the Holy Spirit with a class liturgy.

Reconciliation – Inter-relating: Being Sorry

The children will explore the choices we have- sometimes we choose well and sometimes wrongly. We learn that God helps us to choose well and to be sorry. We understand that God forgives us all if we ask for forgiveness. We learn the story of Zaccheus and how he was forgiven by Jesus. We discuss the importance of saying sorry and forgiving someone if they’ve apologised. Finally, the children will celebrate the love of their friends and Jesus with a class liturgy.

Universal Church – World: Neighbours

The children will explore that Neighbours are all around us. Everyone is our Neighbour and we are all loved by God. We learn about how Jesus taught his friends to be a good Neighbour and how we can be a good Neighbour. We discuss being a global Neighbour and discover new ways of helping our neighbours. Finally, the children will celebrate the wonderful world that we live in and how we can be good neighbours with a class liturgy.

Key Stage 1: ‘Come and See’ Cycle B

Key Stage 1 (Classes 4, 5, and 6)

Advent Term

Domestic Church – Family: Beginnings

The children will explore the many beginnings each day offers. We learn how God is present in every beginning. We learn about the story of creation and how God was there at the beginning of the world. We look at new beginnings in our lives and how we might feel. We learn that a psalm is a song of praise to God. We become aware that God is always close. Finally, the children will celebrate God’s presence at every beginning for them with a class liturgy.

Baptism/ Confirmation – Belonging: Signs and Symbols

The children will experience a range of signs and symbols and discover the signs and symbols used in Baptism. They review the sacrament of Baptism and how the church family welcome a new baby. We focus on the meaning of the symbols used in Baptism. We learn about the story of Jesus’ baptism. Finally, the children will celebrate their knowledge of baptism and feelings of being welcomed with a class liturgy.

Advent/ Christmas – Loving: Preparing

The children will explore how we prepare for special times. We learn about Advent being 4 weeks of preparation for the celebration of Jesus at Christmas. We learn all about Advent and discuss the use of the Advent wreath. We learn about the different parts of the Christmas story e.g. The Annunciation, The Visitation, The birth, Shepherds, Wise men… Children discover that Jesus came to us as God’s gift because he loves us. Finally, the children will celebrate Christmas with a class liturgy.

Lent Term

Local Church – Community: Books

The children will explore the different books used at home and at school. They learn about the books used in church on Sunday by the parish family. We focus on the bible and how it is the most special book. We look at how the bible is divided into the old and new testaments and then the 4 gospels. We look at how we respond in mass to the gospel readings. Finally, the children will celebrate the use of books and how special the bible is with a class liturgy.

Eucharist – Relating: Thanksgiving

The children will explore different ways we can say thank you. We learn about the Eucharist: the parish family thanks God for Jesus. We recall the story of ‘The Last Supper’. We learn about the parts of the 4 parts of mass and the responses said by the parish during each part of the mass. (We gather, We listen, We give thanks, We spread the word) Finally the children will celebrate their learning about thanksgiving with a class liturgy.

Lent/ Easter – Giving: Opportunities

The children will explore how each day offers opportunity for good. We learn about Lent being the opportunity to turn towards what is good in preparation for Easter. We learn about the stories of ‘Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday’. Finally, the children will celebrate Easter through a class liturgy.

Pentecost Term

Pentecost – Serving: Spread the Word

The children will explore the different ways we pass on messages and why it is important to pass on messages. We read the story of ‘The women told to pass on messages’. We learn about the Holy Spirit, the Ascension and Pentecost. Finally, the children will celebrate how to spread the good news of the Holy Spirit with a class liturgy.

Reconciliation – Inter-relating: Rules

The children will explore why rules are important and how rules help us around the academy and at home. We discover the reasons for rules within the Christian family and about the sacrament of Reconciliation. We learn the story of Jesus teaching his disciples about forgiving and why we should be able to say sorry and forgive. Finally, the children will celebrate the importance of rules with a class liturgy.

Universal Church – World: Treasures

The children will explore the various things we treasure in life. We learn that the world is God’s treasure given to us and how we should appreciate and care for the world around us. We discover that we are also one of God’s treasures. Finally, the children will celebrate the wonderful world that we live in and how we can be good neighbours with a class liturgy.