Early Years: ‘Come and See’ Topic Overview
Early Years Foundation Stage (Classes 1, 2, and 3)
Advent Term
Domestic Church – Family: Myself
The children will explore the importance of their name. They will take part in name writing activities, self-portrait activities and begin to learn the names of the children in their new class. The children will gain an understanding of how God loves and knows each one of them by name. They will recognise and name other people who are precious to them. Finally the children will celebrate God’s love for them with a class liturgy.
Baptism/ Confirmation – Belonging: Welcome
The children will explore what it means to welcome someone and to be welcomed. They will take part in role play activities whereby they take on the role of the ‘welcomer’ and the ‘welcomed’. This will be explored through stories such as, The Tiger who came to Tea. The children will then learn how Baptism is the celebration of a child being welcomed into God’s family. The children will take part in role play activities deepening their recognition and understanding of the signs, symbols, words and phrases used within baptism. Finally the children will celebrate their knowledge of baptism and feelings of being welcomed with a class liturgy.
Advent/ Christmas – Loving: Birthday
The children will explore what a birthday is and how we wait and prepare for the occasion. They will then make links between their birthday and Jesus’ birthday. The children will be introduced to the season of Advent and learn about how we look forward to and prepare for Christmas, being Jesus’ birthday. The children will create their own Advent wreaths and learn how each candle has a different meaning and will take part in ‘acts of kindness’ during the season of Advent. The children will then learn the First Christmas Story through activities, songs and storytelling. Finally the children will celebrate the birth of Jesus with a class liturgy.
Lent Term
Local Church – Community: Celebrating
The children will explore different types of celebrations and what we need in order to take part in these celebrations. The children will wonder about how they feel during celebrations. The children will then learn The Presentation Story and how Jesus was taken to the temple and Simeon proclaimed that Jesus would be ‘The light of the world.’ The children will learn to retell The Presentation Story, recognising and retelling words and phrases from the story. Finally the children will celebrate Jesus, the light of the world with a class liturgy.
Eucharist – Relating: Gathering
The children will explore how when we gather together tasks are much easier to achieve. The children will explore how they feel when others gather together with them. The children will learn how Mass is a time of gathering within church. They will recognise the four parts of the Mass and will learn to remember these parts through a Mass chant, role play and a visit to St. Bernadette’s church. Finally the children will celebrate their favourite piece of scripture with a class liturgy.
Lent/ Easter – Giving: Growing
The children will explore how humans, animals, plants and flowers grow over time. They will learn about life-cycles and how we can care for people, animals, plants and flowers and help them to grow. The children will be introduced to Lent as a time for their love for Jesus to grow. They will do this by exploring how we can help others and then making their own Lenten promises. The children will then learn the story of Good Friday (Early Years 2 will explore The Stations of the Cross) and Easter Sunday and begin to understand how Jesus died for us. Finally the children will celebrate new life through a class liturgy.
Pentecost Term
Pentecost – Serving: Good News
The children will learn how we can share good news with others in many different ways. They will read the story of The Jolly Postman and look at all the ways in which good news is shared with the characters of the story. The children will then make links with The Story of Pentecost and how the good news that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit was shared with hundreds of people. Finally the children will celebrate the guidance of the Holy Spirit with a class liturgy.
Reconciliation – Inter-relating: Friends
The children will explore what makes a good friend and how they are a good friend to others. The children will then listen to the story of ‘Jesus and the children’ and learn how Jesus loved all the children and disciples who sent the children away were not showing good friendship qualities. The children will take part in activities deepening their understanding of how Jesus had enough love to share between everyone. Finally the children will celebrate the love of their friends and Jesus with a class liturgy.
Universal Church – World: Our World
The children will explore God’s wonderful world. They will have time to wonder about God’s world and research the most beautiful parts of our world. The children will then learn how the world was created through ‘The Creation Story.’ They will explore each day and take part in craft activities representing each day in the story. The children in Early Years 2 will work in groups to retell The Story of Creation using collage materials and writing. Finally the children will celebrate the wonderful world that we live in with a class liturgy.