The Local Governing Body
Our Governors are a highly committed, skilled, and hardworking group of people who volunteer their time to meet regularly to discuss and oversee the strategic management of the academy. Official Local Governing Body meetings take place once each half-term, with a number of further meetings and visits also taking place across the year that support the ongoing work of the academy.
The principal role of the Local Governing Body is to ensure the successful implementation of the academy’s Mission Statement, working as a team and in close co-operation with the Headteacher and all staff. A majority of our Governors serve as Foundation Governors, appointed by the Bishop of Nottingham, and hold a specific responsibility for monitoring the Catholic Life of the academy. The Local Governing Body are also responsible for monitoring the academic performance of the academy. In all of their duties the Governors act in a supportive capacity to leadership, whilst also providing ongoing scrutiny and challenge.
Code of Conduct for Governors of a Local Governing Body in a Catholic Multi-Academy Trust